Monday, November 22, 2010

Zandar Versus The Stupid: Let's Just Bring Back Jim Moose Laws While We're At It

Zandar Versus The Stupid: Let's Just Bring Back Jim Moose Laws While We're At It: "But why stop at airports?  Why not institute 'profile away' at all public buildings, stadiums, schools, courthouses, office buildings, restaurants, stores, malls, anywhere where people can gather and terrorists can attack it as a soft target?  Just bring back Jim Crow laws as a national effort to fight terror.  Single out any Muslim, single out anyone darker than Sarah Palin, slap a 'might be a terrorist' warning label on them, subject them to humiliation.  Only way to be sure. Millions of suspects out there.  We don't know for sure unless we constantly check 'them'."

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