Friday, November 26, 2010

Sarah And The Kids - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

Sarah And The Kids - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan: "What Palin has done with her young children is unprecedented. Think of how Obama strictly protects his daughters, and how George W. Bush did the same. Yes, Romney and McCain involve their offspring in politics - but Meghan McCain is a critic of the GOP, and Romney's kids stuck to Mormon gee-whiz isn't Daddy great stuff.None of them actively enlisted their kids in reality show television.
What Palin has done is use her children, having failed to actually rear them. She is still doing it on her reality show. That she has gone so far as to use and thereby abuse a child with Down Syndrome whose interests are clearly in seclusion, careful nurturing and care, and constant parental attention, tells you a huge amount."

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