Friday, November 26, 2010

Conan needs to cut back on the caffeine | Reuters

Conan needs to cut back on the caffeine | Reuters: "Although it's still too early to review 'Conan' fairly, a few things from the first two weeks need to be addressed. Some of the celebrity interviews seemed too short or were cut into at odd times by commercial breaks. When a guest is too aloof or possibly uncomfortable (Seth Rogen, Jack McBrayer, Jack White), O'Brien flounders a bit. Unlike David Letterman or Johnny Carson (or even Craig Ferguson), O'Brien isn't yet adept at working recalcitrant guests into good material. Nothing showed this more clearly than O'Brien trying to fumble his way through an interview with Harrison Ford, who looked stoned or medicated or perhaps concussed. It was painful for both host and audience, and you have to wonder what that bit going viral on the Internet would have done for ratings. It wasn't quite Joaquin Phoenix or Farrah Fawcett territory, but it was odd indeed."

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