Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Young Frau a Frump? German Minister's Sex Views Rankle Older Feminists

Young Frau a Frump? German Minister's Sex Views Rankle Older Feminists: "And, of course, as the Spiegel interviewers surely knew, it is unlikely that the minister could be in her position, at the tender age of 33, if she had taken a break to have kids, as German women are incentivized to stay home, both with state subsidies and by social pressure, which is both a tremendous benefit (one American women can look on with great envy) and yet also, occasionally, a source of anxiety for women who want to return before a year. Chancellor Merkel has no kids, just as an example of one woman who has climbed the ranks of power. And yet, the pressure to birth is there, nonetheless."

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