I'm changing as fast as I can!# Prepare to hunker down. Interpret this as you will.
just make sure that you change your sheets after you wet the bed
# If you have any, hide your money – otherwise it will be spread around. The best way to spread your own wealth on your own terms is to hire people to work for you. But of course, you knew that already.
As opposed to it being spread around right now to bail out the bullshit artists on Wall Street?
# Take your kids out of public school. Schools are going to become nothing but Marxist pressure cookers. They're already socialist indoctrination centers. Have you any idea what they're teaching in kindergarten these days, much less high school? Better find out.
I actually agree with the last sentences here ... if you are a parent it is your responsibility to find out what and how your kids are being taught. Oddly though I do not think that we have to worry about the hammer and sickle flying over our schools anytime soon.
# If you're Joe the Plumber, hide. Quickly. Otherwise your life for the next four years will be a living hell. Obama supporters have demonstrated they like to retaliate, so you're not safe.
This guy's 15 mins of fame are over.. no one cares.
# Buy guns and ammunition. Especially ammunition. The tools necessary for self-defense and to keep our government under at least a modicum of control are going to quickly become unavailable. Perhaps not banned outright – that would cause riots – but the taxes on these tools of self-reliance will be raised so high that the effect will be the same.
I don't know about you but this sounds a lot like a call to armed insurrection and if I recall correctly that is sedition and if I recall correctly that is a capital crime... Just saying ...
# Don't surrender to guilt. Opposing the new world order coming your way is not selfish. The "best interests of all" are code words for state slavery. "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" is the death of liberty and the definition of Marxism. Duh.
I would refer readers to
this post instead. wow that Jesus guy was a communist .. who knew?
# Stockpile some resources, because it's only a matter of time before our terrorist enemies (who are delighted with the outcome of the election) will launch something nasty our way. Terrorists love weak or untried rulers because they prefer to strike vulnerable targets. We just bared our throats.
Oh, you mean like when Bush 43 came into office?
# Move. Whatever your political affiliation, it's always best to live in a place with like-minded people. (Idaho might be worth considering.) Just make sure the place you move to has people whose concepts of liberty agree with yours.
Segregate the wingnuts .. that isnt a bad idea. I suggest alaska though ... lots of good land up there.. good hunting ... a governor that thinks that they are just swell.. you betcha!
# Start looking for other news sources, because it's very likely that your favorite conservative radio talk-show host will go out of business once the (ahem) "Fairness" Doctrine gets re-implemented.
obviously someone that misunderstands the Fairness Doctrine. Oh, right .. because they get their news from conservative radio talk show hosts.... Hmmm .. maybe this is a good idea too. No telling what will happen if they actually get the news unfiltered by Limbaugh and Hannity's BS.
# Buy light bulbs. There is no possible way our new green president will lift the absurd imminent ban on incandescent light bulbs. Unless you want your home to look like the inside of a train station lavatory in 2012, you'd better stock up on incandescents while you can. (Obviously lights bulbs are a metaphor for all the "for your own good" changes that will be shoved upon us.)
FUnny, all my lights are either LED or compact flourescent and my place looks just fine. But go ahead .. stock up on those incandescents... it will keep you from spending money on bullets because your power bills will be higher than mine.
# Go to church. All the morals and values that we once cherished in this country – traditional marriage, sanctity of life, family values – are going to become so condemned that churches will be our only sanctuaries.
I am an atheist ... many of my friends are too .. Obama .. not so much. If you are going to go to church though, might I suggest that
this one is more your speed?
# Strengthen your family, your community, your state. Obama has said that an economy is built from the bottom up. In that he is entirely wrong (poor people don't hire – only rich people do that). But liberty most certainly IS built from the bottom up. Start by strengthening yourself. Next, your family. Support your neighbors. Build your community. Get involved with your state. The days of sitting on your hands must be over.
Actually no, rich people dont hire either. Moderately successful small businesses are actually the engine of the economy. The folks that run these businesses are, in general, shopkeepers and tradesmen and the like that have scraped together some cash to go out on their own. THey hire a couple of people and make a comfortable but not lavish living.
# Find another job. Or preferably, several. Don't give up your current job, of course, but as the economy continues to nosedive, it is best to cultivate your marketable skills and diversify your income sources. The more income irons you have in the fire, the better.
This is actually sound advice at any time. Although i think that you have to balance your work and home life. Work isnt an end in itself. It is a means to an end.
# Never never never never trust that the upcoming administration will do anything in your best interest. If the government offers you something that seems too good to be true, assume that it is. Education, medical care, housing and other benefits are never free – they cost something down the line. And the cost is always freedom. Take warning.
Don't forget roads, fire departments, police, sewers, rural electrification, the internet, safe food.... all horrible things too ...
The stupid is burning bright