Saturday, October 8, 2011

Bryan Fischer on The Dangers of Evolution

Fischer: Rights Endangered If President Believes In Evolution | Right Wing Watch: "The theory of evolution was a central topic in Bryan Fischer's speech to the Values Voter Summit, where he argued that the presidential candidates should reject evolution. "I submit to you that not a single one of our unalienable rights will be safe," Fischer said, "in the hands of a president who believes that we evolved from slime and that we are the descendents of apes and baboons." Fischer called the separation of church and state "mythical" and argued that a result of secular government and the theory of evolution result in mass murder like in Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia and Maoist China.


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Wrong Comment Of the Day

Business Class: Policy Uncertainty Is Choking Recovery - Bloomberg: "Like so many on the left, you simply ignore how people "make money". No one outside business management can "set" what pay someone "should" get. People who start or earned the right to run businesses pay employees what they think the employees "deserve" for their contribution to the success of the business. I would hope you realize how silly your non sequitur about management building cars is? And, actually, during some strikes, management has produced the cars. People like yourself forget that some are smarter, harder working, and more driven than others. And they will make a lot more money than those who are not. Americans understand and believe in our meritocracy."

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Too Much Moneyball | The Big Picture

Too Much Moneyball | The Big Picture:

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People as 'sensors'

People as 'sensors': Twitter messages reveal NFL's big plays and fans: "ScienceDaily (Oct. 5, 2011) — Using millions of Twitter subscribers as living "sensors," engineers from Rice University and Motorola Mobility have found a way to monitor fans' levels of excitement and to keep track of the action in National Football League (NFL) games -- without ever switching on a TV. SportSense is a computer program the engineers created to analyze NFL fan tweets in real time. The program can tell within seconds when touchdowns, interceptions and other big plays occur, and it can show how excited fans are about every game that's being played.

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On The Practicalities of Race And Class

Balloon Juice » Half And Half Again: Race, Privilege, And Discourse: "Class is important, but race trumps it in everyday life where you don’t have time to do the research, and you’re making the call on the fly.


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Cults and Religions

Rising Hegemon: You stay classy Republicans: "Attaturk's theory of theology -- Cult plus time = "Religion""

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Citizen's United Looks In Mirror And Doesn't Like What It Sees

David N. Bossie's response to 'Will Occupy Wall Street become a left-wing tea party?' - The Arena | POLITICO.COM: "The “Occupy Wall Street” movement is just a bunch of trust-fund babies, college students skipping class, and ex-hippies who are taking their cues from the likes of George Soros, Michael Moore, and other billionaires and millionaires who want to kill capitalism. To call “Occupy Wall Street” a left-wing tea party is an oxymoron. The tea party is a grassroots movement that was founded in local communities around America to protest the destructive policies of the Obama administration. The “Occupy Wall Street” movement was conceived at the Obama campaign headquarters to gin up the youth vote and liberals and has now been joined by radical left-wing AstroTurf groups like and Big Labor.


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Friday, October 7, 2011

What The Fuck Is Wrong With Kansas?

Topeka, Kansas City Council Considers Decriminalizing Domestic Violence To Save Money | ThinkProgress: "Here’s what happened: Last month, the Shawnee County District Attorney’s office, facing a 10% budget cut, announced that the county would no longer be prosecuting misdemeanors, including domestic violence cases, at the county level. Finding those cases suddenly dumped on the city and lacking resources of their own, the Topeka City Council is now considering repealing the part of the city code that bans domestic battery. [...]

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Another Definition of Conservative

Balloon Juice » Brought To You By The Letters “F” And “U”, Apparently: "Conservatives: people who think the war on poverty means getting rid of the people dragging the national average down."

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On Steve Jobs Advice to "Not Settle"

Did Steve Jobs give good advice? | The Moral Sciences Club | Big Think:

As an undergrad I was an art major. Frankly, few of my fellow art majors were talented enough to make a living at it, even after four (or more!) years of training. Sure they loved art, but in the immortal words of Tina Turner, "What's love got to do with it?" "Find what you love and never settle for less" is an excellent recipe for frustration and poverty. "Reconcile yourself to the limits of your talent and temperament and find the most satisfactory compromise between what you love to do and what you need to do feed your children" is rather less stirring, but it's much better advice.
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And here is a perfect example of someone completely defines success in economic terms.

Texas Should be Ashamed

Somebody in Dallas rent this man a piano! | Pharyngula: "Tim Minchin is going to be doing a show in Dallas (lucky Texans), and he’s having a little trouble arranging a piano for his show.


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Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Board of Trade has a message for Occupy Chicago: Chicagoist: "Someone at the Board of Trade is getting cheeky with the Occupy Chicago protests. This photo was taken by someone at the protests. It shows offices at the Board of Trade Building eight stories up with "We Are The 1%" taped to the windows. If only someone could hurl rocks that high.

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And Sarah Palin Becomes Irrelevant

Palin Says She's Not Running - "Ms. Palin, the former governor of Alaska, ended her inscrutable cat-and-mouse game with the political establishment on Wednesday afternoon by saying that she would not join the field of Republican candidates seeking her party’s nomination, but would still work to oust President Obama.


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Best Presidential Appointee Ever

Shakira is latest Obama appointee | POLITICO 44: "Yes, that Shakira: Leading a slew of otherwise routine new appointees to the President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics is Colombian pop star Shakira."

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RIP Steve Jobs

According to AP Steve Jobs has passed away.

Sad day

Updated - Apple's Announcement

Monday, October 3, 2011

Things I am Tired Of - Ronald Reagan Edition

Ronald Reagan Backs The Buffett Rule? | Election 2012:

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I am sick and fucking tired of being reminded how far to the right acceptable political discourse has moved by being told that Ronald Fucking Reagan would have agreed with some Democratic Party idea.

Just stop .. now .. please

Tweet Of The Month

Twitter / @Clarknt67: 700 peaceful protesters ar ...: "700 peaceful protesters arrested at #occupywallstreet. ZERO Bankers arrested for fraud that crashed the global economy. #WTF

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Linus Torvalds on Software

Linus Torvalds’s Lessons on Software Development M... - Input Output: "“The other thing—and it's kind of related—that people seem to get wrong is to think that the code they write is what matters,” says Torvalds. Most software development managers have seen this one. “No, even if you wrote 100% of the code, and even if you are the best programmer in the world and will never need any help with the project at all, the thing that really matters is the users of the code. The code itself is unimportant; the project is only as useful as people actually find it.”"

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Hank Williams Jr might not be a fuckwit

Booman Tribune ~ Hank Williams Not Ready For Football:

"The country singing star and voice of the Monday Night Football theme song, Williams appeared on "Fox and Friends" this morning to talk politics via satellite hookup. He got right into it, telling the hosts ... that John Boehner's golf game with Barack Obama was a major mistake.
"That would be like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu. Not hardly. In the shape this country is in?"

When Brian Kilmeade said that he didn't understand the analogy, Williams was non-plussed. "I'm glad you don't brother, because a lot of people do. They're the enemy... Obama! And Biden! Are you kidding? The Three Stooges.""

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I report, you decide

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Call For Anarcho-Capitalism?

Is Our Tax System Fair? If Not, Why? — Veronique de Rugy | Stone Street Advisors: "What seems like a good policy idea today will, almost inevitably, turn out to be not as good of an idea at some point down the road, when dealing with the unintended (but often well known) consequences resulting from said idea are more difficult, costly, and painful than any benefits the policy may have provided."

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A prediction from crazyland

NESARA- Restore America - Galactics News: Government Officials Fleeing DC Link Rats Off A Sinking Ship: "False Flag event, equal 9/11, if not bigger, on September 27th, to help usher in the measures required to introduce a global financial ‘solution’.
If I had to be even more specific, and was really pushed to guess what and where, I’d be tempted to say ‘dirty bomb in Washington D.C on September 27th."

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Can't Someone Please do the needful to rid us of this?


Digby Has this about right

Hullabaloo: "If there is one single thing the founders of this country would rise from their graves to dispute, it's that. I realize that the only thing the Americans supposedly ever cared about was having to pay taxes, but the truth is that this was at the very heart of the American revolution. The power of the crown to declare its domestic enemies treasonous and execute them had pretty much defined bloody European history for hundreds of years. Americans believed that was fundamentally wrong. And it's the only crime they explicitly wrote into the constitution for that reason.

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I wonder if Justice Scalia has read this?

Catholic Update ©2001-The Gospel of Life:An abbreviated version of Pope John Paul's Pro-life Encyclical:
"It is clear that, for these purposes to be achieved, the nature and extent of the punishment must be carefully evaluated and decided upon, and ought not go to the extreme of executing the offender except in cases of absolute necessity: in other words, when it would not be possible otherwise to defend society. Today, however, as a result of steady improvements in the organization of the penal system, such cases are very rare, if not practically nonexistent."
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Since he said this:

“If I thought that Catholic doctrine held the death penalty to be immoral, I would resign. I could not be a part of a system that imposes it.”

I eagerly await his resignation

Ben Cochran might not be a misogynistic douchenozzle

Some students should not go into a health profession | Pharyngula:
"I’m afraid Ben Cochran is one of them. He’s a nursing student who wrote a column in a newspaper because he was upset at the time it took for the emergency medical services at his local clinic to help him with his sneezy, phlegmy cold (which, I would have told him, is going to put a low priority on something they can’t really treat anyway). He places the blame: the clinic offers women’s reproductive services, and they were busy helping a “gaggle of preemie sluts [] get a free pass on harlotry” and treating their “c*** problems”. 'via Blog this'
Or maybe he is. I will hazard a guess that he is soon to be a FORMER nursing student though.

DIid the Police Lead #OCCUPYWALLSTREET astray?

Police Arrest More Than 700 Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge - "After allowing the protesters to walk about a third of the way to Brooklyn, the police then cut the marchers off and surrounded them with orange nets on both sides, trapping hundreds of people, said Mr. Dunn. As protesters at times chanted “white shirts, white shirts,” officers began making arrests, at one point plunging briefly into the crowd to grab a man.


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