Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Internet is for ?

 The Squid Zone:
"It's time people grew up and ended these childish and futile fanboi gestures that server only to make the internet harder to use and piss people off."
Now what fun would that be? If the internet isn't here to allow socially stunted folks to be annoying what is it here for?

NASA’s Hansen: Would recent extreme “events have occurred if atmospheric carbon dioxide had remained at its pre-industrial level of 280 ppm?” The “appropriate answer” is “almost certainly not.” � Climate Progress

NASA’s Hansen: Would recent extreme “events have occurred if atmospheric carbon dioxide had remained at its pre-industrial level of 280 ppm?” The “appropriate answer” is “almost certainly not.” � Climate Progress:
"In contrast, it is likely that 2012 will reach a record high global temperature. The principal caveat is that the duration of the current La Nina could stretch an extra year, as some prior La Ninas have (see Nino 3.4 index at the bottom of Figure 3). Given the association of extreme weather and climate events with rising global temperature, the expectation of new record high temperatures in 2012 also suggests that the frequency and magnitude of extreme events could reach a high level in 2012. Extreme events include not only high temperatures, but also indirect effects of a warming atmosphere including the impact of higher temperature on extreme rainfall and droughts. The greater water vapor content of a warmer atmosphere allows larger rainfall anomalies and provides the fuel for stronger storms driven by latent heat"
Good times coming in 2012

Well put

Balloon Juice � Blog Archive � A Good Rant:
Love the sinner but hate the sin” gets a big old pass on the American political scene, even though in practice it’s a distinction without a difference

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

OK is such a progressive State

GOP Lawmakers Say OK Ban On Sharia Law Is Not Xenophobic Because ‘We’ Are ‘At War’ With ‘Them’:
Duncan claims that if you’re not for his amendment, then you must be for Sharia law. “The only entities that could oppose this measure are those that admittedly support applying international law and sharia law in American courts,” he said. “If that’s what they think they need to be bold enough to say so.
Might I be so bold to say that these people are fuckwits?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Deep thoughts on civilization

Tim Berners-Lee has 3000ish people that like him on Facebook and 29,000ish people that follow him on Twitter.

Lady Gaga has nearly 19 Million people that like her on Facebook and 6.5 million Twitter followers.

I am sure that there is a longer post to be written here but those two sentences depressed the fuck out of me.

CNN Headlines

Sept 9: Who might replace Rahm Emanuel?

Sept 22: Emanuel may leave White House in October, sources say

Today: Emanuel all but certain to run for Chicago mayor, sources say

Soon: Emanuel Announces Run For Mayor, Whitehouse Caught Unprepared

I hope I am wrong with that last headline but nothing would surprise me anymore