At the signing ceremony for the "Merry Christmas" Bill
Religious freedom does not mean freedom from religion.If the term is to have any meaning at all, yes it does mean that if you so choose.
Rick Perry really knows a good pander when he sees it.
Some folks seem to think I occasionally have interesting things to say. I don't always agree.
Religious freedom does not mean freedom from religion.If the term is to have any meaning at all, yes it does mean that if you so choose.
Right now, Mr. Greenwald has the world by the tail, and the story he is breaking is important and consequential. And yet at the moment of his greatest triumph he appears incapable of rising above his need to use his megaphone to settle petty scores with his enemies...a group which seems to include anyone and everyone he perceives of as disagreeing with him in the slightest.
It seems to have been legal.
Call your Congresscritter and demand they change the law.
Oh, you would rather be outraged?
You are the problem.