Sunday, November 21, 2010

I Hate Black People - Topix

I Hate Black People - Topix
I am really hate black people. Everybody gets tired of them blaming others for their problems when they're constantly murdering , robbing , abusing drugs , dealing drugs, lazy , don't want to work and turning America in a gigantic ghetto. I also feel that all black people are nothing but subhuman and every other race is above them. Atlanta , Detroit, D.C. ,New Orleans, Memphis , Gary Indiana, and Baltimore are all cespools and i also rather being in the Philipines than to deal with n000ers.
To which I can only say ... What.The.Fuck


  1. Michael Jackson's kids are black.. you hate them??

    You saying they are white now??

    They aren't.. they could have been slaves.. even though they look all white..

  2. lol I hate myself too that's why I wanna get a permed hair.. lol..

    and start a metal band..

  3. but nobody will let me even get a perm one time I had someone perm me they went against my will and curled it up.. LOL.. I want that sht I can look just like a cracker..

  4. oh look .. I have my very own troll .. how cute

  5. be the change u would like to see in the world

  6. you blame black people for making the states a getto but have u considered who allowed the guns and drugs in the first place..white people so blame youself

  7. I get a laugh out of the reading comprehension failure here.


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