Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New evidence that conservative activists are manipulating "DWTS."

New evidence that conservative activists are manipulating "DWTS.": "To be clear, this means that conservatives are organizing to punk a TV show to stick it to liberals who don't care that much about mindless entertainment like DWTS, and they're doing it to get revenge on liberals for 'voter fraud' that actually never happened. I suppose if you're going to do something meaningless, it might as well be in service of a paranoid fantasy instead of for reality. Perhaps this is just a warm-up to the scheduled Fox News outrage over the War on Christmas, another conservative freak out over irrelevancies fueled by a belief that imaginary liberals are out to get them. If the right-wing outrage machine keeps at this, within a couple of years the totality of their activism will be putting together snipe hunts after a rumor breaks out that the Obama administration wants to put snipes on the endangered species protection list."

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