Tuesday, January 4, 2011

On Colorblindness and Civil rights

The Plum Line - Rubin still flat wrong about Black Panther nonsense: "As to whether or not there is 'colorblind' enforcement of civil rights laws, I find the use of the term in this context, by both liberals and conservatives, to be a symptom of America's near-pathological affinity for political correctness. The Civil Rights Division was created by President Dwight Eisenhower in order to ensure that the federal government could enforce the civil rights of black Americans in the South during Jim Crow. There's no question that civil rights laws cover Americans of all backgrounds -- and indeed, the voting section under Obama has intervened on behalf of white voters. But civil rights enforcement can't be anymore 'race-neutral' than our own society or history. Ensuring that people's rights are protected regardless of race can't actually be achieved through color-blindness."

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