Friday, November 23, 2007

The Party of the Rich

Dems may indeed have made the most marginal of gains among generally wealthier districts, due to Dem successes in the suburbs and other stuff. But so what? They gained just about everywhere else, too -- this just means that wealthier Americans, along with everyone else, have figured out that the GOP made a hash of everything and that the Dems are the better choice. And it certainly doesn't have anything to do with the small question of, you know, which party's policies best serve the economic interests of the rich. Pathetically weak stuff.

You know that wingnuttery is smelling defeat when they start trying to portray the Democratic party as the "party of the rich". Well, of course unless you look at such rich folks as Warren Buffett, who actually seems to get that the current system is fucked up. But then again, Warren Buffett would make a better Baseball Commissioner than George Bush too.

Greg Sargent does a nice job on this stupidity over at TPM Horse's Mouth

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