Sunday, November 18, 2007

Why Republicans dont need to plant questions

Reporters covering the event apparently laughed in response to the incessant softballs, but a senior McCain aide swore that "no one from the campaign asked any voter to ask any question or make any statement."

Zuckman seemed skeptical, which is perfectly understandable given the circumstances. But I can't help but wonder: maybe a lot of Republican audiences are just naturally sycophantic?

There really is no mystery here. Republicans seem to be by nature more willing to defer to an authority figure. That also explains Rudy Giuliani as a plausible candidate because if you look at the positions that he has actually taken in his career and the decisions that he has made, as opposed to the bullshit talking points and re-writing of history that is currently extant on his website, they are antithetical to the vast majority of Republican voters. But he is a "tough guy" so it is ok .

I am praying to FSM this infatuation comes to an end before the fall of '08

From TPM

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