Friday, November 23, 2007


As many as 60 percent of the foreign fighters who entered Iraq in the past year have come from Saudi Arabia and Libya, according to documents discovered in a raid in September near the Syrian border, a senior U.S. military official in Baghdad confirmed to CNN Thursday.

Forget the bullshit about calling it an al Qaeda rolodex. Beyond that, I am waiting to hear when the US will be calling for economic sanctions against Saudi Arabia since obviously that many Saudi nationals couldnt be fighting in Iraq without the tacit approval of the government. And I betcha that one or more might have had training in the Saudi military.

Hmmm .. wouldnt that make Saudi Arabia a sponsor of terrorism.. at least by the grossly weakened version of that term used by the Bush Whitehouse?

Just thinking out loud, dont mind me

'Al Qaeda rolodex' found in Iraq -

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