Monday, November 22, 2010

The Paranoia is Strong at FDL

Shorter Alan Simpson: Now I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds | FDL News Desk: "I tried out the tinfoil hat idea with some leftie friends with whom I attended the Plame movie this evening, that O’s actual goal was to destroy the D party once & for all. Two in their 30s, one, like me, roughly twice that. All politically aware but don’t spend the time I do on these subjects. The younguns didn’t blanch. The woman my generation still suffers from some residual belief in U.S. democracy seemed somewhat shocked by that idea, but didn’t seem to want to argue in defense of O. One other pizza parlor patron (I speak a bit too loudly on such issues at restaurants) was looking askance at us in this very artsy fartsy community, but didn’t feel strongly enough to offer his defense of O."

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