Sunday, November 21, 2010

Zandar Versus The Stupid: Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Zandar Versus The Stupid: Zandar's Thought Of The Day: "No, they're not.  Humiliating people to the point where they don't want to fly is in no way 'necessary'.  The next time you'll see a terrorist attempt (and all they have to do is attempt) to board a plane with some ridiculous getup, prosthetic, hidden container, or swallow a condom full of explosive and we'll be on to mandatory body cavity strip searches in six months, because the terrorists can count on us overreacting every time.

Sacrifice a few pawns in order to cause complete chaos and cause millions of Americans not to fly because they despise their government that much.

That's what I call a win for the bad guys.  The President is on the wrong side of this one, morally and practically, and it's going to cost him.

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