Sunday, November 21, 2010

Isabella Rossellini Does Not Want You to Have Sex with Animals | Little Gold Men | Vanity Fair

Isabella Rossellini Does Not Want You to Have Sex with Animals | Little Gold Men | Vanity Fair: "Twenty-four years later, the now 58-year-old actress is the star, writer, and co-director (with Jody Shapiro) of Seduce Me, a series of online shorts created for the Sundance Channel about the sexual proclivities of animals. Last August, her strangely erotic take on bedbug fucking went viral, thanks to a perfectly timed bedbug epidemic in New York City. There was something revelatory about watching Rossellini get stabbed in the gut with a penis knife while muttering with orgasmic enthusiasm, “He ejaculates into my wound!” It was a moment when many of us realized that Blue Velvet might not have been entirely a product of David Lynch’s twisted imagination."

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