Saturday, January 21, 2012

Why It Matters That Newt Gingrich Has Been Unfaithful

Because he says things like this ...
Defending Marriage. As President, I will vigorously enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, which was enacted under my leadership as Speaker of the House, and ensure compliance with its provisions, especially in the military. I will also aggressively defend the constitutionality of DOMA in federal and state courts. I will support sending a federal constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman to the states for ratification. I will also oppose any judicial, bureaucratic, or legislative effort to define marriage in any manner other than as between one man and one woman. I will support all efforts to reform promptly any uneconomic or anti-marriage aspects of welfare and tax policy. I also pledge to uphold the institution of marriage through personal fidelity to my spouse and respect for the marital bonds of others.
He is now on wife #3. He cheated on BOTH of his previous wives and if we are to believe wife #2 it is possible that marriage #3 is (or was at some point) an open marriage.


  1. Well, open is okay. As long as he doesn't catch The Gay everything is hunky dory. Cheating is okay too, just as long as he makes sure everyone ELSE lives how he thinks they should. That's not hard to follow... right?

  2. There you go using that logic thing again.


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