Saturday, May 25, 2013

On Free Speech and Censorship

You have the absolute right to say any bigoted hateful ignorant thing you like. That is free speech.

I have the absolute right to say you are a bigoted hateful willfully ignorant fool if you do so. That is also free speech.

A company that you are a spokesperson for has every right to fire you because they don't want to be associated with your exercise of your free speech rights because they do not agree with the content. That is not censorship.

The President can stand up and say you are a bigoted fool. That is not censorship.

The government should not be able to throw you in jail or fine you for exercising your free speech rights. That would be censorship and it would be wrong and I would absolutely support your right to free speech in any way that I could.

This really isn't that difficult is it?

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