Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tea Partiers: AZ Town's New Trash Plan Reeks Of Socialism | TPMDC

Tea Partiers: AZ Town's New Trash Plan Reeks Of Socialism | TPMDC: "Tea Party groups have come out strongly against the measure. The Republic reports some people have dubbed it 'trashcare,' as if it were the local, municipal waste-related cousin of 'Obamacare.' Fliers were distributed that read 'The Hills Will Have Eyes,' and which raised the specter of a 'Fountain Hills Green Police' poking around citizens' garbage bins. On its website, Arizona Campaign for Liberty warned that 'The Fountain Hills Mayor & Town Council is attempting to restrict resident's choice in trash services by forcing residents into a single payer system!' The Fountain Hills Tea Party's website reads, 'Once more, government is trying to interfere with free market economics.'"

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