Friday, November 12, 2010

Cholera crisis deepens in Haiti - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Cholera crisis deepens in Haiti - Americas - Al Jazeera English: "Haiti's cholera crisis has deepened as three more deaths in Port-au-Prince, the capital, raised fears the epidemic could be set to rocket in unsanitary camps full of survivors from January's earthquake.

The Haitian health ministry said on Thursday that 724 people around the country had now died from the highly contagious water-borne disease and that the number of infections had passed the 11,000 mark.

The outbreak, Haiti's first in more than 50 years, erupted in the Artibonite River valley in mid-October and initially seemed to have been contained to central and northern areas.

There have been roughly 1,000 new cases on each day this week and the death curve is getting steadily steeper with 60 new fatalities recorded on Wednesday and more than 80 on Thursday."

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