Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Superpower in Decline: Is the American Dream Over? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

A Superpower in Decline: Is the American Dream Over? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International: "Until it all ended. Now people are leaving the state. Florida's population decreased by 58,000 in 2009. Some members of the same American middle class who had once planned to spend their golden years lying under palm trees are now lined up in front of soup kitchens. In Lee County on Florida's southwest coast, 80,000 people need government food stamps to make ends meet -- four times as many as in 2006. Unemployment figures are sharply on the rise in the state, which has now come to symbolize the decline of the America Dream, or perhaps even its total failure, its naïveté. Could the dream, in fact, be over?"

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