Friday, November 12, 2010

How Baidu Won China - BusinessWeek

How Baidu Won China - BusinessWeek: "While Li has earned the grudging respect of Google execs, Baidu's tactics are a sharp contrast with the Google founders' sincere, if not always sincerely observed, slogan: Don't be evil. If crawling the Web empirically and without commercial bias is the moral duty of a search engine, Baidu is, at least in the eyes of its competitors, not a moral company. For years legions of advertisers have complained on Chinese Web forums that Baidu secretly penalizes the search rankings of websites that decrease their spending on Baidu. Archrival Chinese Internet company Alibaba, Jack Ma's Internet conglomerate that runs the Taobao e-commerce site and is 40 percent owned by Yahoo, says Baidu unfairly penalizes the search ranking of companies that accept ads from some Taobao merchants."

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