Monday, May 26, 2008

Semidi has lost his mind as well

From the comments to this post at his eponymous blog
Randron, nothing is going to convince me that Barack Obama is better for OR more electable to the White House when compared to Hillary Clinton. Period.

After seeing what Obama and his mujahideen have done to the party, it’s time for the Democratic Party to be destroyed and rebuilt from the ground-up. The best way of seeing that happen is contributing to Obama’s defeat against McCain, if Obama becomes the Dem nominee.

Honestly, do you have so little faith in America that we can’t survive 4 years of McCain after surviving 8 of Bush? The Democratic Party spent 8 years rolling over for Dumbya, failing to act as an opposition party, and America is still here.

I commented there but have a feeling that I will be moderated out of existence since part of the site rules there contains the following
Right-wing extremism is a virus, and this site won’t be used as vector for it. All comments and trackbacks are moderated, and in the event that a large number of those American-hating fifth columnists on the right decided to swarm, both features can be modified on a per-post basis or entirely eliminated. This also applies to Obots, Obamazoids, fauxgressives, and other pro-Obama asshats.

Since I think that Obama is the best of the current choices, despite being in favour of Edwards at the beginning, I guess I am an asshat ...

sigh ... I wish primary season was over and we could get down to kicking McCain's ass

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