Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Senator

This makes me so proud
Lieberman was aware of many of Hagee's vile statements well before McCain renounced him. On May 13, Fox News' Megyn Kelly asked Lieberman to respond to the gathering criticism of Hagee's remarks. But instead of distancing himself from Hagee's views as McCain had, Lieberman launched into a spirited defense of the televangelist, describing him as someone who "represents a lot of people in this country, particularly Christians who care about the state of Israel."

At the time, prior to McCain's sweeping renunciation, Lieberman could have reasonably claimed to be unaware of the preacher's repugnant views on the Holocaust. Now, he has no excuse for ignorance. As a key McCain surrogate who McCain may select as his running mate, Lieberman must know why Hagee is no longer welcome on the so-called Straight Talk Express.

Every time I meet someone new I ask them if they voted for Lieberman. No one has every admitted that they have. Could the fact that I generally preface the question by saying something like "Can you believe what a fucking tool Joe Lieberman is?" skew my results just a little? I wonder ...

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