Friday, May 30, 2008

Faith Healing

From MSNBC comes this gem
"Holy Spirit fall! God is here! We want more! More, more, more!"

That's what Canadian evangelist Todd Bentley yells out nearly every evening to the thousands who gather to hear him preach. The 32-year-old Bentley looks more like a biker than a minister, with body piercings and tattoos all over his arms and neck. But the crowds don't seem to mind how he looks. They just want what they believe Bentley has – the ability to heal them.

Bentley claims that God has used him to supernaturally heal hundreds of people of diseases ranging from glaucoma to diabetes to even cancer. How to explain it?

I explain it by saying that it is a fraud. Whether it is conscious or unconscious I do not know.

Anyone the believes that their god intervenes in individual lives like this has a conception of their deity that is far too small. It isnt that I think that God doesn't care, it is just that S/He is kind of busy with other things and really has better stuff to do than cure your Aunt Fannie's glaucoma.

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