Monday, May 26, 2008

Updated: Tech Glitches at FireDogLake

Surely I didn't get banned from FDL for calling out TBogg on his "i wont ever vote for Hillary" silliness (it isnt like I was alone).

Presumably it is a tech glitch that is not finding my login info and isnt emailing me to tell me that i have forgotten my password... after all they did just have a big server migration and it is a long weekend

right ... right ... hopefully...right?

Updated [as per below comment by TBogg] with the assurance that they are indeed just having tech issues.

Is always nice to see a "name" blogger that actually pays attention to us itty bitty fish every now and then. (no, that isnt snark .. it really is nice to see). On the right side of the the blogosphere I would have been bombarded by 50 trolls that said that I deserved to be banned and that I had the intellectual agility of a marmot etc etc ...


  1. I sure as hell didn't ban you. We're having all kinds of issues since the server changeover on Friday night.

    And trust me, I'm not that thin-skinned.


  2. Tis what I figured ... but with tempers as high as they have been in this primary season some otherwise sane folks have started doing some really weird shit.

    Thanks for the note, I appreciate the time it took.


Not moderated but I do delete spam and I would rather that people not act like assholes.