Monday, May 26, 2008


On the right side of the blogosphere dissent has always been dealt with harshly and crudely and stupidly.

In the reality based community it has been, up until recently, and with some exceptions, mostly a much more civilized, if ill mannered, place. This primary season has changed that.

There are sites that ban Obama supporters on sight. There are sites where any defense of Clinton is met with howls of derision and troll ratings and other assorted stupidity.

Come the end of the primaries, all of us are going to have a choice to make. Are we going to work together to do some good for this country or are we going to continue to throw shit at each other and do our best to make sure that the next President is named McCain. If your answer is "the latter", then you are a danger to yourself and others and you should check yourself into the nearest psych ward.

This is too important to fuck up people.

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