Friday, May 30, 2008

Khadr Judge fired for attempting to hold a fair trial?

From CBC
The U.S. military judge presiding over the trial of Canadian terrorism suspect Omar Khadr has been fired, said Khadr's lawyer.

In a news release issued Thursday, Lt.-Cmdr. William C. Kuebler said the judge, Col. Peter Brownback, was replaced after threatening to suspend proceedings in the case earlier this month.

Brownback told prosecutors they had to provide Khadr's defence lawyers with records of his confinement at the detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, or he would suspend the proceedings.

Kuebler, Khadr's U.S. military-appointed lawyer, said he learned Brownback had been fired in an email from the chief judge of the U.S. military commissions, Col. Ralph Kohlmann. Kuebler's news release also included an email sent Wednesday by lead prosecutor Maj. Jeff Groharing, which complained of numerous delays in trial proceedings.

Kuebler told he believes the prosecution hopes the change will "speed things up."

Because goodness knows that you don't want to take your time and get it right when your only mandate is to get convictions. Whatever happened to the idea of justice in this country?

Oh .. silly me .. that is such pre 9/11 thinking

Why isn't this a big story?

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