Monday, May 26, 2008

Ted Stevens - Bravo Foxtrot

At VetVoice there is a lovely piece about how the current GOP administration stands up for veterans.

What Stevens is really saying is that today's troops are unpatriotic--that they're only in it for the money and the college. And while Stevens' "mass exodus" theory has been thoroughly discredited by the Congressional Budget Office, the true irony of the situation lies in the fact that Stevens earned his own college degree after World War Two by using the same GI Bill he's aiming to prevent today's veterans from receiving.

In today's military lingo, this makes Senator Stevens a "Blue Falcon" or a "Bravo Foxtrot."

I want to be clear, I am not a veteran, I am not even American, but this kind of shit makes me sick to my stomach.

The Bushites want to have their war and their all volunteer (read that as rural, poor and undereducated) army as opposed to some sort of draft so that they can keep most people in the country from actually being impacted by the fact that over 4000 men and women have come home in body bags but for fuck's sake what is wrong with giving these people a proper GI Bill and some decent medical care once they get home.

Oh, yes, the Bravo Foxtrot designator indicates a Buddy Fucker .. one of the lowest forms of douchebaggery that there is

I can't even muster a "sigh..." for this one .. I am just so pissed off.

h/t to Nicole Belle at Crooks & Liars

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