Friday, May 30, 2008

More Missing Data

From CBC
A computer memory stick containing the mental-health information of 150 children and teenagers has disappeared from the hospital in New Glasgow, N.S.

The Pictou County Health Authority says the device was stolen Tuesday afternoon from an employee's office at Aberdeen Hospital.

The memory stick holds the personal information of young people who have received child and adolescent mental-health services since August.

I am very open about the mental health issues that I have dealt with over the years but I know that many(most) people are not. With a little luck this memory stick is now full of someone's MP3 collection and not being used to inflict more damage on folks that are already vulnerable.

1 comment:

  1. Healthcare facilities shouldn't even allow their staff to use unencrypted portable devices like this ... it is just too easy to copy patient data and "forget" to erase it.

    Of course, sigh, not only do we allow it but we hand them out as freebies to staff. Go figure.


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