Thursday, September 27, 2007

I love my job--no seriously I do

Not that anyone cares but in real life I am a Business Intelligence analyst working for Valassis and Advo and I LOVE MY JOB!!!!!!!!

Sorry .. but I do. I know it isn't cool to love one's job unless you are working for Google or for some wonderfully quirky little niche company but we do stuff like this with the Center for Missing and Exploited Children and so far we have helped to recover 147 146 kids. We might just be the company that sends you the coupons that you clip and the fliers in your mailbox but damn it we do help make a difference in the lives of at least 147 146 families.

OK, and now I better get my ass in gear so I am not late to the office.

Updated: I had the number recovered wrong .. i have no doubt that it will be 147 soon but .....


  1. Dear RW,

    Glad you love your job. I don't think it isn't cool at all. I envy you.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. I didn't know that was who you were working for. I do cut some of the coupons out of those. Haha. My cousin and are are coupon fools. I'm glad you like your job though. Better than being a paid peon like me. :)


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