Sunday, October 7, 2007

Villeneuve takes it slow and steady

The entire industry was tense about this race leading up to the green flag because of a combination of the COT and Villeneuve, who was widely criticized for picking Talladega for his first start.

But Villeneuve, who qualified sixth, dropped to the very back of the pack at the start and stayed out of everyone's way as he quietly finished 21st.

"I'm glad that I didn't create any problems with the drivers," he said. "The finger was being pointed before the race, and that was understandable. The goal was to stay out of trouble and not make enemies."

Villeneuve is a consummate professional that knows what side his bread is buttered on. He has spent a lot of years on second rate teams and he knows how to just survive a race rather than pushing past his and the car's limits.

Read the story over at ESPN

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