Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Newfoundland Election Results

Danny Williams and his Progressive Conservatives won a landslide victory in Newfoundland and Labrador on Tuesday night, with a massive lead over their political opponents.

A buoyant Williams said he was "truly, truly overwhelmed by what has happened here tonight," and added he was humbled by the magnitude of the landslide.

From the start, the PCs were polling about 69.5 per cent of the vote, giving the CBC's decision desk confidence in projecting a second mandate about 20 minutes after the polls closed.

At the end of the night, Williams's Tories had taken 43 seats, the Liberals 3 and the NDP 1.

Williams's vote share is the highest since the 1949 election, when Joseph R. Smallwood's Liberals formed the first post-Confederation government with 70 per cent.

Yeah, I know I am a day late on this but I was off injuring myself bowling last night(dont ask)

69.5% ... wow.. those are the kinds of numbers that you don't often see in places where you actually have 3 functioning political parties.

Full story from

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