Saturday, October 6, 2007

Which was a stunt again?

Bad ....
It is irresponsible for the Liberal defence critic to travel to Afghanistan without the Conservative government's approval, Defence Minister Peter MacKay said Friday.

Liberal defence critic Denis Coderre would not say where he was on Friday, but he said he was headed for Kandahar.Liberal defence critic Denis Coderre would not say where he was on Friday, but he said he was headed for Kandahar.

The critic, Denis Coderre, said he is going on his own because he is tired of waiting for permission.

Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay defended the mission in Afghanistan as he arrived there Sunday for a two-day visit, rejecting a recent analysis in a U.S. journal that the country is sliding into chaos.

"I don't see a factual basis for a commentary suggesting that this country is sliding into chaos," MacKay told reporters during a teleconference call.


Both stories from the CBC


  1. The politics of this is quite comical on both sides. Coderre acts like this is the first time that anyone in opposition was ever rejected (or not given permission) to accompany the government on a fact finding mission in Afghanistan. Give me a break. His government back in 2001 did not give permission to Cheryl Gallant to accompany a group of MPs to Afghanistan.

    On the flip side, this is not the first time an oppostion member (or members) have gone to Afghanistan since 911 without the permission of parliament. In 2001, a group of MPs sponsored by Samaritan's Purse entered the hot zone to see how the humanitarian effort was fairing firsthand (Operation Christmas Child boxes).

  2. I have to agree with you. I get completely befuddled with politicians playing games just for the sake of playing games.

    Thanks for the comment and the link!(I just made it clickable)


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