Friday, October 5, 2007

Viagra vs Cialis vs Jetlag

Good news for your Viagra-using hamster: On his next trip to Europe he'll bounce back from jet lag faster than his unmedicated friends.

The researchers who revealed that bizarre fact earned one of 10 Ig Nobel prizes awarded Thursday night for quirky, funny and sometimes legitimate scientific achievements, from the mathematics of wrinkled sheets to U.S. military efforts to make a "gay bomb."

The recipients of the annual award handed out by the Annals of Improbable Research magazine were honoured at Harvard University's Sanders Theater.

A team at Quilmes National University in Buenos Aires, Argentina, came up with the jet-lag study, which found that hamsters given the anti-impotence drug needed 50 per cent less time to recover from a six-hour time zone change. They didn't fly rodents to Paris, incidentally, they just turned the lights off and on at different times.

Personally, my ED treatment of choice is Cialis so I guess that I will have to perform my own research on that one.

Original story at CBC or hop on over to The Ig Nobel Award website for the details

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