Sunday, January 9, 2011

Grayson to challenge Obama in 2012? - Orlando Political Buzz |

Grayson to challenge Obama in 2012? - Orlando Political Buzz |
"So will Alan Grayson challenge President Obama in 2012? The jury is still out. While there are strong signs and a lot of media created buzz, we have yet to hear the words straight from Mr. Grayson's mouth. Even though Grayson will not be visible, the Progressive community will be following him closely for the next couple of years; waiting for a positive affirmation that he is ready to step to the plate. It's all there; he has the monetary resources and he has the support of the people. Now all we need is for Alan Grayson to step up and take the mantle of leadership."
I pray that Grayson is politically more astute than some of his more excitable supporters.

If you want to have President Thune, this is the way to accomplish it.

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