Sunday, November 14, 2010

Eunomia » The Return of “The Return of National Greatness”

Eunomia » The Return of “The Return of National Greatness”: "Seriously, I think what gets people to “sacrifice” for some larger national project is the sense that there actually IS a nation, i.e. that we really are all co-participants in this thing. Now, I know that most Americans don’t resent the rich and don’t just vote their straight economic interests, but even so, I’ve gotta believe that when they hear elites like Brooks who make umpteen hundred thou a year calling on them to “sacrifice,” at some level it just rings hollow, because they know those elites themelves are not really planning to co-participate. A guy who will never need his own Social Security COLA really just cannot speak with any force about the greatness of sacrificing it."

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