Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mellissa McEwan's POMO take on The Tally to Restore Sanity/Fear

Shakesville: So, Jon Stewart Was on the Rachel Maddow Show:
Still whinging that his Big Important Rally was misunderstood, Jon Stewart took a seat beside Rachel Maddow and, in the first segment of their interview (the remaining pieces of which, as well as the raw, unedited interview in its entirety, can be found here), explained what the rally was REALLY all about to us stupidfuck critics who are too daft to get hip to his jive

I generally like Melissa McEwan's take on things but this LONG rant is fucking stupid. To say that someone's intent does not matter (and that IS what she is saying) is to live in a world that is different than the one that everyone else inhabits.

If Melissa wants to get pissed maybe she should ask herself why no one except Jon Stewart (and that Beck asshole) was successful in getting people to gather on the Mall in any numbers. The system is broken, I agree with her there, but to blame it in some fashion on Jon Stewart is simply asinine.

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