Saturday, November 20, 2010

Zandar Versus The Stupid: The Fall Of The House Of Gates Part II

Zandar Versus The Stupid: The Fall Of The House Of Gates Part II: "With products like OpenOffice, and the universal Internet browser, casual computer users can accomplish just about everything they want using a free product. Google Docs has made collaborating easy, and Ubuntu offers a user friendly operating system, all for free. The current economy is going to hasten the inevitable, and people are going to start asking why they would spend $299 on a CD. The stink of Windows ME still haunts my generation, but Vista will be the stinker of the newcomers. Microsoft's technology has not become extinct, but our need for it has. People are wanting to take control over their computers, and Microsoft's 'dummy proof at the right of being able to own your system' approach is stale. And not so dummy proof, after all."

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