Sunday, June 15, 2008

Carly Fiorina for VP

Yes indeed. Let's have Carly Fiorina out there for McCain in his efforts to get low information female voters to follow him. And please please please please let's have her for VP.

The funny thing is that she is being used as an example of a successful female CEO who sees that the USA would be better off under a McCain presidency.

ummm .. that would be this Carly Fiorina ...
NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Hewlett-Packard Co. Chairman and CEO Carly Fiorina, one of the most powerful women in corporate America, is leaving the troubled computer maker after being forced out by the company's board.

Shares of HP (Research) jumped 6.9 percent in heavy trading on the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday on the news. But at one point, the stock was up as much as 10.5 percent.

"The stock is up a bit on the fact that nobody liked Carly's leadership all that much," said Robert Cihra, an analyst with Fulcrum Global Partners. "The Street had lost all faith in her and the market's hope is that anyone will be better."

Fiorina, the only female CEO at a company in the Dow Jones industrial average, had been with HP since 1999. But the company's controversial deal to buy Compaq in the spring of 2002 -- after a bruising proxy fight led by one of the Hewlett family heirs -- has not produced the shareholder returns or profits she had promised.
[emphasis added]

In other words .. she fucked up big time and got fired. not the person that I would be trotting out at my dog and pony shows if I wanted to prove that I was surrounding myself with competent people ... but that is just me

[I want to note, in case I am not clear, that I am not calling women low information voters. I am saying that there is a certain subset of people that are both female and low information voters and this is the group that McCain is trying to woo with Carly Fiorina as a surrogate]

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