Friday, June 20, 2008

A Proposal for AP

Over at Media Post there is an entertaining little bit on the AP kerfuffle.
Atlanta (AP) - The Centers for Disease Control announced today the worst food contamination in American history, warning citizens to immediately stop consuming this particular food that has already killed tens of thousands across the nation. "This is far deadlier than hemorrhagic fever or the Black Plague," said the CDC in a statement given to the AP. "This could be the end of civilization as we know it."
(for the complete story, click here and pay $2).

While it is said tongue in cheek, and there are some false premises in the piece itself, the idea isn't as completely off the wall as it sounds. There are basically 2 methods of paying for content on the internet 1) Subscriptions/pay per view and 2)Ad revenue.

AP has to decide if the pay per view method works for them. Personally, I do not think it does anymore.

I do want to note that I am NOT in favour of lifting entire pieces from any source and then "repaying" with a link. But I do think that it is silly of AP to not recognize the nature of the internet and to see that they are trying to shoehorn in a business model that simply isnt going to work for them.

[if the mediapost site needs a subscription will someone please let me know.. I AM a subscriber and it just occurred to me that others might not be able to get in]

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