Sunday, June 15, 2008

Yet More NoQuarter Stupidity

This comment pretty much sums up the thread you will see if you go there.
Comment by HillarySupportsObamaNow | 2008-06-15 09:00:54

Thanks guys.

I just sent a link to this vile, sexist thread to every blog I could think of whose readers might be interested in knowing what kind of neanderthal, chest-thumping beauty contest that’s going on in Hillary’s remainging most ardent bastion of support.
I was trying to send a link to here of everyday there is NO TAPE, but after a month or so that got tiring.

Anyway, I’ll let you republicans and pseudo democrats get back to the frat party. I’m sure you’re downing beer out of a funnel and wearing women’s underwear on your heads.

Larry Johnson scrubbed the pictures that were most egregious but you can get a lovely idea of the kind of scumbag that hangs out at that site from reading the comments. I am sure that Hillary is so proud of her "supporters"

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