Friday, June 20, 2008

Sobering Thoughts on Energy

From The Corpus Callosum comes this
We know that we can buy more time if we all agree to vastly reduce consumption. This is proving to be difficult to implement on a wide scale.

Nobody can predict the future. I personally think it is unlikely that we will find a source of energy than can provide the same standard of living that oil provided for 6 billion people, back when the world population was only 6 billion. It is possible, though. However, it is not possible to get a meaningful estimate of the probability that the problem will be solved. If we could get some kind of consensus on a rough estimate, it would help prompt people into appropriate action. The appropriate action is for people to do what they can to conserve, while we use the remaining resources to enable even more conservation (e.g. mass transit) and to develop sustainable sources of energy.

Free-market types despise the idea of subsidies for sustainable energy and mass transit. But the free market appears to not know that it is running out of wishes.

This fits in with my own thinking on this. I wish I could be more optimistic.

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