Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Comment of the Day - Balloon Juice Edition - Weiner Division

Gimme danger » Balloon Juice:
"Well, since he’s a pure progressive who regularly bashes the most liberal president in our lifetimes, President Obama, I think us white folks should stand by our Weiner-man. Never mind the fact that he seems to be a pathological liar to his various mistresses and wife who was home with their infant child while he was out trying to buy condos for his mistresses and getting them jobs at Politico.  
That’s it, maybe President Obama should start having affairs and lying about them, then make sure Michelle stands by him even after that, and THEN he’ll finally get support from the white privilege progressives. Seems to have worked for the Clintons and Wieners. I suspect though that President Obama will continue improving the lives of millions around the world, especially those in extreme poverty, and re-building America’s middle class, and leading by example in his personal life and on and on, instead of following the Clinton/Weiner paths, so he’ll just have to keep doing without support from white privilege and online progressives. To each their own!"

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