Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Test

All of the information that you know about this scenario is contained in this post. There are no other hints available.

  • There are six applicants for a job as director of an IT unit. 
  • The position has been vacant for 6 months and the acting director is getting ready to retire.
  • They all have similar educational backgrounds and similar career achievements. 
  • After interviews there is no clear winner in any regard and when all is said and done any of the applicants would be perfectly capable of doing the job at hand and would be a great fit with the team and corporate culture.
  • 1 of the applicants is a white man in his early 40's
  • 1 of the applicants is a white man in his early 50's
  • 1 of the applicants is a male Indian immigrant in his early 40's
  • 1 of the applicants is a female Indian immigrant in her mid 30's
  • 1 of the applicants is an african american man in his early 50's
  • 1 of the applicants is a white woman in her late 30's
which would you choose and why? Note that there is no right or wrong answer. This is just an exercise in how people make decisions.

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