Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ezra Klein Thinks Ryan is Smart and Edgy

Ryan’s risks - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post:
"Ryan is the kind of politician I fundamentally like. He’s smart, policy-oriented and willing to take political risks — but only, it turns out, of a certain kind. His budget puts Republicans at risk by yoking them to a plan to privatize Medicare, slash Medicaid and cut taxes on the wealthy. Which is to say, it puts Republicans at risk by pulling them very far to the right. But there are no risks of apostasy here. Nothing like Obama pushing Democrats on an individual mandate he had once opposed and a slew of cuts and reforms to Medicare. Nothing like George H.W. Bush agreeing to raise taxes as part of a budget deal. Nothing that might anger people to his right, as opposed to those to his left."

Personally I think that Ryan is just another good looking wingnut that says the same idiotic things but in slightly more palatable ways. It baffles me that Ezra, who actually IS smart, doesn't see right through Paul Ryan.

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