Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tea Party Sponsor on Offshoring

Is Offshoring a Problem for the U.S. Economy? | FreedomWorks: "Offshoring will lead to lower business costs and lower prices for businesses, increasing the ability for U.S. business to expand and provide new jobs. Additionally, extra income generated abroad by the increased demand for U.S. goods or foreign investment will benefit U.S. exporters and lead to additional jobs and higher wages for the U.S. economy.

Whole classes of high-wage service sector employees will not disappear because of offshoring. American policy makers should restrain from implementing policy that will be detrimental to American businesses and workers. Economic freedom brings economic growth and both businesses and workers will benefit. Restricting offshoring will actually cost American jobs and economic growth, and will raise operating costs for U.S. businesses struggling to compete in a global marketplace."

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