Where Do Democrats Go Next? - NYTimes.com: "It is clear that Democrats over-interpreted our mandate. Talk of a “political realignment” and a “new progressive era” proved wishful thinking. Exit polls in 2008 showed that 22 percent of voters identified themselves as liberals, 32 percent as conservatives and 44 percent as moderates. An electorate that is 76 percent moderate to conservative was not crying out for a move to the left."
Polls consistently show that when Democratic policies are taken in isolation and not identified as such then the American people are in favor of them. This bullshit about America being a Center-right country is just that, Bullshit.
You can just as easily say that "an electorate that is 66% moderate to Liberal is not crying out for a move the the right".
Evan, take your concern trolling and stay home. Thanks.
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