Thursday, May 22, 2008

TBogg has lost his mind too

from his place over at FireDogLake
We won't vote for her. The reality on the ground for us is that we do pretty well for ourselves under a Republican administration and I would be willing to take my chances with a solidly Democratic congress, but without her. Sorry folks, but there are a lot of people like us. I know that we're all supposed to join hands and pull together for a greater more progressive tomorrow and yadda yadda yadda.... but when it comes to Hillary Clinton, fuck that noise. My contempt for her has reached the Lieberman line.

While I agree with the sentiment, that she has run a horrible scorched earth campaign, I think that this attitude is just bullshit and every bit as stupid as Taylor Marsh. Even worse it is the "I have mine, now Fuck You" thinking that has become indicative of the GOP of late.

I was very saddened to see this post from someone that I generally read with great joy.

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